Unit 1 - Bromine Derivatives
Bromination of an Alkene by electrophilic addition of Br2.
Bromination of a benzene ring by electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Bromination of a benzylic position by a free radical substitution reaction.
Location: Saurashtra, Gujarat, India.
Unit 2 - Chlorination
Chlorination – Chlorination of Acid to Chloride
Location: Khambhat, Gujarat, India.
Unit 3 - Dyes & Intermediates
Manufacturer of Direct Dyes, Direct Dyes (N.B), Acid Dyes, Reactive Dyes (V.S. BRAND DYES), Reactive Dyes (BIFUNCTIONAL DYES), Reactive Dyes (H.E. BRAND DYES), Reactive Dyes (H. BRAND DYES), Reactive Dyes (C BRAND DYES).
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Unit 4 - APIs and Intermediates
API, Itermediate for Pharma, Agro and Dyes industries.
Location: Ankeshwar, Gujarat, India.